Friday, February 03, 2006


Washington A Mecca For Sex With Animals?

Our neighbors up in Washington are very very concerned about bestiality. It would appear to be a pressing problem for them. As usual, the Republicans are doing all they can to save us from, gasp, sex with animals. Actually, I think they're trying to save us from sex, period.

How someone came up with a figure of 96% of abusers having started with animals is beyond me. But, apparently, there’s the contagion theory of sexual abuse: once you start having sex with animals it just naturally spreads to other kinds of sex. Sort of like if you smoke pot you’re going to become a heroin addict.

Thursday, February 2, 2006 - 12:00 AM

Nicole Brodeur
Bestiality bill teaches a lesson in restraint

Oh, dear. Two older ladies with proper hairdos were sitting in the second row of Senate Hearing Room 1 in Olympia on Tuesday.

This was not good, and certainly not what I expected when I logged onto the TVW Web site that day for the Senate Judiciary Committee's public hearing on Senate Bill 6417. My guess is that the ladies were there for the committee's hearing on grandparents' visitation rights. Not the one on whether sex with an animal should be outlawed in Washington state.

Still stumped about how a bill becomes a law? SB 6417 is one that should renew the public's interest in state government.

I know I couldn't resist watching the suits in Olympia take on what people have been wisecracking about for months: the man, the horse, the farm in Enumclaw, the cause of death that was anything but natural. Not to mention the stunning fact that sex with animals is perfectly legal in this state.

Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, whose district includes the infamous farm, was good and ready to present the bill making sex with animals a Class C felony, punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

"People are coming from out of state to do this here," Roach said. "We don't need to have a Mecca here for abusing animals."

Dan Satterberg of the King County prosecutor's office said the bill is not just about animal welfare. Sex with animals can lead to "violence to humans," he said, adding that 96 percent of juvenile sex offenders "started off abusing the family pet."


Reach her at 206-464-2334 or

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