Friday, July 07, 2006


The Need For Net Neutrality

The latest sell-out proposed by the government is the internet. We've seen TV broadcasting sold to the highest bidders, along with radio, and the, the proposals are to hand the net over to the big telcoms. But, they haven't done it yet.

I'm proposing that all of us lobbying our senators to not let this happen. If "net neutrality" is lost, then the big telcoms will have priority over using the internet, and those of us who use smaller ISPs will wait in line until there's space...or something... The current neurtrality also means that smaller operations can stay in business, and maybe not get swallowed up as fast as they will if the big money folks have their way.

So, get on the horn and call your senator, now, in the next five minutes or so, just call today, and tell them you support "net neutrality," and want them to support it, too!

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