Thursday, March 29, 2007
Re: War on drugs: Canada
On the other hand...our neighbors to the north may have plenty of stupidity but they also have endorsed some policies of compassion. Pretty novel concept, eh?
Judge wants medical marijuana user to get pot in jail
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | 3:31 PM MT
CBC News
A medical marijuana activist in Calgary was sentenced Tuesday to four months in jail for trafficking in marijuana, but the judge ruled that corrections officials must make sure he has access to the drug while behind bars.
Judge wants medical marijuana user to get pot in jail
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | 3:31 PM MT
CBC News
A medical marijuana activist in Calgary was sentenced Tuesday to four months in jail for trafficking in marijuana, but the judge ruled that corrections officials must make sure he has access to the drug while behind bars.