Thursday, September 20, 2007


Already burned my draft card; guess my voter's registration card is next

It wasn’t exactly earth-shaking to read that the Senate caved in on the issue of Habeas Corpus, I’m sorry to say. Or that the Senate also caved in about getting the troops home. The “Hail, Caesar!” routine for General Prateous was disgusting, of course. We’re rapidly sinking to the lowest common denominator: politicians wanting to keep their cushy jobs and figuring that flag waving and sucking off military officers is the best way to do that. I expected no more from the Republican Flock. But it's the other guys that blow me away.

The collapse of the Democrats around these issues is awful. Just mushy, gooey, wimpy shit. The Democratic Party is about as... aw well, they’re all crooked and crazed. I’m about three political capitulations away from burning my voter registration card and cursing both parties for generations to come. What weenies!

Both parties are so removed from the actual rank and file they haven’t a clue what it’s like out here in America ’07. Their loyalties aren’t to us: they’re to each other. They’re not there to serve us; we here to serve them.

Just so you know, all the Senate Democrats voted "Aye" on restoring Habeas.

The Congressional Democrats have not been as aggressive as I'd like, but let's give them credit when they do deserve it.

Also, the Democrats have been voting fairly well on most issues, but the Republicans have enough members in the Senate to hold up any legislation they choose through the Cloture votes.

Also, I read your blog pretty regularly and very much enjoy it.
Thanks for the correction. I am, though, still discouraged at the business-as-usual attitude of the Dems. I know I have a Don Quixote attitude, but christ, someone's got to!

Thanks, also, for the compliment! As we say in certain places, Keep coming back.
I don't like the idea of either party having 60 votes in the Senate, but with the type of obstructionism that the Republicans are practicing, it may be that we need the Dems to have 57 or 58 votes in order to get anything at all done.

I'm just afraid that the public won't place blame where it's due and will not realize that despite the fact that the Democrats have a (slim) majority, the rules of the Senate require almost unanimous consent for anything to happen.

Hopefully, the Dems will be able to strengthen their majorities and win the Presidency. Although I'm not thrilled about Senator Clinton being the nominee...
'Both parties are so removed from the actual rank and file they haven’t a clue what it’s like out here in America ’07. Their loyalties aren’t to us: they’re to each other. They’re not there to serve us; we here to serve them.'

And just as I was ready to dismiss you as a nut, you go and say something profoundly true like that. Hmmm...
Yes, burn the draft card, but vote Libertarian!

Would you be willing to spread the word about It's a site dedicated to shattering the myths surrounding the selective slavery system and building mass civil disobedience to stop the draft before it starts!

Our banner on a website, printing and posting the anti-draft flyer or just telling friends would help.


Scott Kohlhaas

PS. When it comes to conscription, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
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