Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I hope this is the tail end of the hurricane and not the eye. Things have been hectic, but the last three days quite calm. Waiting, waiting to see if another shoe is about to crash down...

A friend was over for last week. She lives in Caldwell and....I'll call her Jane. Jane used to live here in Bend, along with her son and daughter-in-law and their little girl. The son and his family moved to Caldwell, ID: he's a convert to LDS, since his wife is from a big old Mormon family. Jane is not Mormon; never was and never will be—if anything, she'd be classed as New Age. Her daughter is making a serious effort to be the perfect Mormon wife with the perfect Mormon family. Jane has been squeezed out. So she came over for a little R and R, along with a long-delayed checkup on her replacement hips. They're pretty good. The R and R was good. Way back when, we used to trade baby-sitting when we lived over in Ashland—thirty years ago. There was a lot to talk about.

And B.'s niece decided to move out, on Saturday. Wham bam, I'm leaving. She's been involved with a young drunk who also works where she does. She's been spending her paychecks getting him out of jail and his car out of impound. This seems to be a continuing melodrama. We won't let him in the house. For a while he was sleeping in his car out at the curb until we threatened to call the cops on him. So, she moved. Supposedly not in with him...but probably him in with her. We'll see, no doubt. B. was upset at the way this all went down, but once she accepted this as the course of action, got busy and stuffed her niece's clothes into paper sacks and tossed them out the door. And that's been that.

This happened when Jane was leaving. Some old friends from Berkeley, P & K, came through on Saturday, as well. Busy day, yeah. I'd been best man at their wedding, about...hm....quite a few years ago. They still live in Berkeley, but they were on an Oregon tour and passed through on their way down to Ashland (Ashland, again!) where they own a 2nd home for retirement.

I didn't have much inclination to sit down and blog: too much going on. Social scenes are much more rewarding than staring at the monitor screen. And the world goes on, regardless of whether or not I rant and rave about the outrages of the government and it's minions.

Wotthehell, wotthehell.

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