Monday, August 11, 2008


The more it changes, the less happens...

Nothing like coming back after having been away and find out that the old crises haven't been resolved—they just get shoved to the rear by new crises. When I heard that Georgia had been invaded by Russia, I hoped they would invade Alabama and Mississippi, too. Let the Russians have those feudal marches!

Now there's new war alarms and threats and counter-threats. I wonder if Cheney cooked this up with Putin as a way of distracting everyone from the fiascos in Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, and the Republican election campaign. Nothing like an old war horse like McCain to ride to the hilltop to send the Light Brigade to glory—and death. Assuming he can ride a horse, that is. However, on the "left," things aren't too cool, either. Obama is becoming to appear as more and more of a political adventurer—a nicely constructed conservative Democrat—well, maybe more of a political android, constructed and programmed by the Dems.

From here it's looking like national health care is the most we dare hope for, if Obama wins. If McSame wins, it's time to publish a scholarly work on the Sagas and move to Iceland. Or maybe Pitcairn Island...k

What a fraud this whole thing is! Creationism, unrestricted oil drilling, Intelligent Design, the latest Paris Hilton frolic, who's who in scandal-landia—Henry Miller was right: this is the Air-Conditioned Nightmare.

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