Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's away we go...

Come 7 a.m. tomorrow, I'm climbing on a bus bound for Portland, to connect with a train going up to Mt Vernon, WA; thanksgiving week with friends. My sweetie-pie has to work, having finally landed a job. I deserve a little trip, is her thinking. I'm uptight, of course, before a trip. This time it's a bit more stressful.

A couple of months ago, we took a package deal from Qwest. The DSL service is fairly inexpensive, compared to the one we used to have. I think I know why. Their tech support seems to be in a far far away land. Switching over involved several hours' of phone calls and conversations. Now the outgoing mail server isn't working right; the tech person suggested I call either Microsoft or Macintosh for help on working out the configuration. This seems kind of odd. Since the DSL provider is Qwest...

However: I have to get up at 5:30 or so tomorrow. I'm not enthusiastic about doing that—years ago I spent years getting up at that hour. Life's too short get get more uptight about taking off tomorrow, early hour and all, and fuckall. Qwest can wait. Gmail works OK.

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